Preparing and uploading new versions to PyPI


  1. Make sure that the program passes all build checks and is clean and ready for a new release

  2. Run pip3 install -U bump2version setuptools wheel twine to download and update all required packages

  3. Bump the program version with bump2version <type> where <type> is either major, minor, or patch

    major = The program functions in an entirely new way, needed the user to change a significant amount of syntax or delete existing generated data to function (this should rarely if ever happen)

    minor = There are mainly new additions and minor removals to the program that keep the program pretty much the same but modify some functionality

    patch = There are mainly fixes to bugs and issues with very few additions / removals

  4. Create a new entry in with the new version number and list all notable changes to code (not docs, tests, or build files). Include notable bug fixes, improvements, and new or removed features as bullet points using the commit history as a guide:<old version>...v<new version>

  5. Commit and push changes made by bump2version's updates to the repo along with any other final changes you want to include in the new version, making sure to push the new version tag (e.g. git push --follow-tags)

  6. Make sure build checks pass either by Travis-CI or run tox (pip3 install tox) locally to be safe

Before You Continue

Travis-CI should automatically build and upload a new package to pypi when a new version tag is created and pushed to the master branch, within a few minutes of the pull request being merged. If this doesn't happen follow the remaining steps, otherwise skip to the validation step!


  1. Run python3 sdist bdist_wheel

    Two new packages should have appeared in a directory called dist named something like psi-collect-<version>.tar.gz and psi-collect-<version>-py3-none-any.whl.

    If there are no files no response after running commands, try executing all commands mentioned, with pip instead of pip3 and python instead of python3. This likely means you don't have Python 2 installed.

Create Access Token

Skip this section if you have a token setup and ready.

  1. Login to your account on

  2. Create a token with any name and select Project: psi-collect under Scope

  3. Copy the token including pypi-


  1. Run python3 -m twine upload dist/* --skip-existing then enter your PyPI access token (including pypi-) as the password and __token__ as the username if asked


  1. Visit and you should see the latest version on the main page in a few moments

  2. Try pip3 install -U psi-collect. It may take a few minutes before pip recognizes its existence locally, if it doesn't when you try, make sure you include the -U and try again after a few minutes.

  3. Do some basic testing to make sure the commands still work

Last update: 2020-02-20